03.20.2022 - Enterprise/GovFTP WebApp Update

Here is a list of the Fixes, Changes, and New items that will available on 03.20.2022. This list may change, be added to, or items removed.



  1. It was possible to craft a series of uploads for an authenticated connection or InfiniShare Inbox that could fill the servers disk.
  2. Permissions would fail when cascading on a folder with a % in the name.
  3. Uploading a single empty directory using InfiniShare Inbox would not create the JSON file, send email or update the usage count.
  4. Controls on the page not part of the form would still active after the form was displayed. The affected pages were Files >> {folder} >> Access >> Add Access, Files >> Notifications >> Add Notifications, Files >> Contents >> New Folder and Files >> Contents >. Rename.
  5. Files >> Notifications was not showing the last sent date for a notification triggered by a Usage value.
    Users >> {admin user} >> Access was allowing a permission record for an admin user to be removed using the Trashcan icon Activity >> Reports >> Logins By Protocol and Activity >> Reports >> Messages would include records on the "End Date" when the report was first displayed, but not include records if either date value was changed. This is corrected so that these reports behave the same as Transfers and Deleted Files.
  6. API: Deleting a workspace was not logging the delete to the FTP log.
  7. API: "Accesible" misspelled in documentation
  8. Javascript files used on the Password page were remaining in memory after the internal content was displayed. This could affect some site interactions until the page was reloaded when a different module was selected on the left menu or the page refreshed. Changed the way the internal content was being loaded by the browser.
  9. When a browser was not actively displaying the app, the countdown timer for the session would hang.
  10. When returning to the page, the dialog would indicate that the session had some seconds left and could be extended even though the session had already expired. Now, the login page will be displayed on returning to the page after the session has expired.
  11. A directory with an _ (underscore) character cannot be removed through HTTPS.
  12. Trying to switch to the Files module (or refreshing the page for a regular user) when the current directory had been deleted would go into an endless error loop. An example of this would be selecting a User, going to check the contents of the User's home folder, then in the Users screen deleting the user and the home folder. When going back to the Files screen, the endless loop would occur. This now returns an error message "I/O error" and lets the client select a different folder in the tree.
  13. In the Settings module, it was not possible to minimize all tree selection.
  14. HTTPS Uploads were not recording the transfer time in the ftp log.
  15. If a user bypassed the UI and submitted an invalid email on the Profile page, a decode error would be returned. Now returns a "Bad Request" dialog response.
  16. A File or Folder with a hash (#) would be inaccessible via HTTPS.
  17. New folders created by "Create user on initial login" during SSO were defaulting to "Retain forever". These folders will now be created with "Inherit" setting for file retention.
  18. Drag-and-drop of a directory for upload did not log the creation of the directory in the FTP log
  19. Drag-and-drop of an empty folder did not create the folder
  20. Trying to go back to the Users module when the last screen was Import Preview resulted in an error loop.
  21. SSO error messages were in the wrong format.
  22. InfiniShare logging was not consistent with other transfer methods. Corrected so commands all start with 'hShared', filenames all show full path, session start and end are both logged and zipped transfers use the correct commands.
  23. Help page for Notifications tab has been added.
  24. The column for IP restrictions was not wide enough to handle error messages. 
  25. Pasting a value into a form field (such as the password field when editing a user) would not activate the "Save" button.



  1. Previously, dragging a file into the app would display info as to where the file would be stored in the bottom center of the screen. Once 1 or 2 files were queued this info would be under the upload queue, this has been changed to be over the upload queue.
  2. On rare occasions, file transfers over HTTPS would error on the browser side and not send all the bytes in a chunk. This would result in a "Short Chunk" error message. Now, if the full count of bytes in a Chunk is not received, the server will tell the browser to resend the chunk. This would be seen when the client lost access to the source file on a network. This should now loop until the file connection is reestablished.
  3. Removed support for using IE 8,9,10 to upload via HTTPS.
  4. Increased chunk size for faster uploads.
  5. Removed timestamp and chunk tracking temporary files from the upload process.
  6. When multiple files or a folder is selected for download, the resulting ZIP file will be generated on the fly and streamed to the browser. There will no longer be a "preparing" message or a 4GB limit on the size..
    Pages with grids (Files list, Users list, etc.) have been changed to be more efficient.
  7. SSO users can no longer change their name and email on the Profile page from what is populated by the IdP.
  8. The use of custom Xheaders for HTTPS file uploads has been removed. This resolves an occasional proxy/firewall issue.
  9. New tab look Has a horizontal scroll for narrow display (mobile).
  10. Reports for File Retention Rules, User Agreement and Messages will now include an "upgrade" overlay when the feature is not enabled on the site.
  11. InfiniShare upload process no longer uses Custom HTTP Headers.
  12. InfiniShare inbox, large files will be processed in bigger chunks for a faster upload process.
  13. InfiniShare upload no longer supports IE 8,9,10.
  14. Updated the "Back to top" button to not hide the last entry
  15. The "Text sizer" icon and related functionality has been removed
  16. Checkboxes and fields changed in a grid listing are now highlighted for identification before the user clicks Submit.
    The right-click context menu appearance has been updated.
  17. Site title is now in the center of the header
  18. Current username and user id have been moved from the nav bar to the header
  19. Logout, help and support icons have been moved to the lower left
  20. Files >> Access changes Cascade form now has a new look
  21. The FTP toggle on Settings >> Security >> Service Activation is now hidden if the feature is not enabled (Gov FTP).
  22. “Activity “ has been renamed “Analytics”
  23. The new "wide menu" option has been removed from the release.
  24. White label option has been removed from branding page.
  25. White label option has been disabled for all sites.
  26. White label check has been removed from the Support icon/link.
  27. Branding colors have been relabeled and repurposed. The "Main accent" color will continue to be used for background and shading of various elements. The "Title bar" is changed to "Title background color" and will be used, as before, for the background of the exterior pages and the header inside the app. The "Menu bar" has been changed to "Title text color" and will be used for text displayed on the same pages.
  28. Left menu now has a new design including the logo mark. The “hamburger” icon is removed; there is no menu expansion option. The "Menu bar" color will no longer be used.
  29. The logo mark on the login page is now only the standard FTP Today mark. The GovFTP mark is no longer being used.
  30. Login failure messages (including SSO) will now show a 5 digit code. This code can be used by support to determine the cause of the failure without looking at the site logs.
  31. Starting a "New folder" or "Rename" process blocks other actions until the form is submitted or cancelled.
  32. Dashboard >> Recent Activity now shows folder names for MKDIR and RMDIR commands.
  33. PI: Removing a folder now logs '-' as the filename (to match FTPS/SFTP)


  1. Files dragged into the web app will be uploaded immediately. There is no queue or Start and Cancel buttons
  2. The currently selected item in the tree will be brought into view when switching between modules.
  3. Users have the option on their Profile screen to use the old-style queued uploads
  4. It is now possible to drag-and-drop to desktop from the files list.
  5. The HTTPS upload process will now warn if the user is about to overwrite an existing file.
  6. Workspaces / configured folders can now be removed even if they have subfolders or are used as home folders. A warning will be shown indicating the results of the action.
  7. Workspaces / configured folder may now be relocated using cut-and-paste. Permissions, home folders, notifications, etc. will all follow to the new location.