1. Knowledge Base
  2. Files & Folders
  3. Setting Up Folder / Shares Automation


This screen allows an administrator to manage file retention controls for a folder.

/ - The FTP Site Root

When focused on the root folder, you are managing the site wide default Retention rule to either be applied or overridden on individual folders.

Site Wide Default Purge Rule

The current setting will be displayed. If the Retain Forever toggle is on, the default setting is "Retain Forever". If you turn off the Retain Forever toggle, you will see another setting to customize the Number of Days to retain Files.

All other folders

When focused on any other folder, Automation that has been set up for that particular folder will be shown.

Inherited Retention Rule

The inherited Retention rule will be shown here. This could be the site wide default Retention rule or it could be the rule inherited from the parent folder to the current one. To give the current folder its own unique Retention rule, turn on the Override Inherited Values toggle.

You will then be able to customize the Applied Retention Rule that follows.

Applied Retention Rule

If you have activated the override toggle (see above), you will then be able to toggle on or off the Retain Forever toggle. If this toggle is off, you will see another setting to customize the Number of Days to retain Files.

Click Save to apply the new settings, or click Cancel.