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Firewall Ports

Here is a list of ports used by Sharetru services. These are ports that you may need to open OUTBOUND on your firewall to YOUR SHARETRU SITE in order to connect and transfer files.  

Listed by port number:

20 - FTP and Explicit FTPS data port for Active transfers
21 - FTP and Explicit FTPS control port
22 - SFTP
443 - HTTPS Web App and FTP Today Site Admin
990 - Implicit FTPS control port
49152 - 65535 - FTP and FTPS Passive port range used for data channels

Listed by protocol:

Protocol Ports (Recommended)
  • Control Port: 21
  • Data Ports (Passive): 49152 - 65535
  • Data Port (Active): 20
Explicit FTPS
  • Control Port: 21
  • Data Ports (Passive): 49152 - 65535
  • Data Port (Active): 20
Implicit FTPS
  • Control Port: 990
  • Data Ports (Passive): 49152 - 65535
  • Data Port (Active): 989
  • Control and Data Port: 22
HTTPS (WebApp)
  • Control and Data Port: 443