This screen allows an administrator to assign users and their access permissions to a folder.
/ - The FTP Site Root
There are no file transfer permissions (upload, download, delete or list) allowed directly in the root folder, however all users will be shown here because they can navigate from the root directory to get to their assigned folders. Therefore. all users are listed here with no permissions.
Quick Navigation
Clicking a folder name in the Directory Tree will take you to the Access screen for that folder.
Clicking a user name will take you to the Access screen for that specific user.
All other folders
When focused on any other folder, the Access screen will show all users that currently have permissions within that folder. This includes non-editable line items showing all administrators.
Add Access
To add a user to the current folder, click the Add Access button and follow the prompts on the top line of the listing. Then click Save or Cancel.
Remove Access
Select one or more users (non-administrators) and you will then have access to the Remove Access button. You will be asked to Confirm or Cancel and will be given the option of removing said access from all child folders (on by default).
Set as Home
Select one or more users (non-administrators) and you will then have access to the Set as Home button. This will change all selected user's home directory setting to the current folder.