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Increasing the Active User Limit on my Account

A walkthrough of adding users to your site if you are on a legacy plan or current offering

Do I need to add users in advance?

You do not need to order additional users in advance, but it's always smart to plan for this. We do not want you waiting on us to add user increments. If you exceed the number of users allowed in your subscription plan, during the process of adding the next user the administrator you will be prompted to contact support to add additional users.

What are the user increments?

User increments depend on your plan. As of November 2022, the following are our current plan offerings and the user increments are as follows:

  • Growth Plan: 10 user increments up to a maximum of 40 users
  • Performance Plan: 50 user increments up to a maximum of 250 users
  • Enterprise Plan (2022 version): Already includes Unlimited Users

What happens if I need to add more users than are allowed on one of the above plans?

If you find yourself needing to add more users than your plan allows, the upgrade path is straightforward and designed to accommodate your growing needs.

  • Growth Plan: If you need more than 40 users, we will move you to the Performance Plan with 50 users (more if you need them). The Performance Plan offers additional user capacity and also includes enhanced features to support your expanding team.

  • Performance Plan: If you're on the Performance Plan and require more than the 250 user quota, you can seamlessly upgrade to our most comprehensive offering, the Enterprise Plan. The Enterprise Plan provides unlimited users and features tailored to meet the demands of larger organizations, such as a dedicated VM instance.

Our goal is to always ensure that you have the flexibility to scale your usage and access the features that best fit your needs. When you're ready to upgrade, please reach out to our customer support team or your account manager, and they will assist you in making a smooth transition to the plan that aligns with your user requirements. We're here to help you grow and succeed with our services!

What if I am on an older plan not listed above? Can I add more users without switching plans?

We appreciate your loyalty to our legacy plan, but unfortunately, we do not offer the option to add more users on an a-la-carte basis to plans that are no longer actively offered to new customers.

We understand your need to accommodate additional users, and we're here to help you transition to a current offering that best suits your requirements. If you find yourself needing to add more users to a legacy plan, we recommend exploring our current range of offerings to find one that aligns with your user requirements. Then open a ticket with our support staff to help you make a decision and a quick upgrade.

Will there be any additional costs associated with migrating to a current plan if I'm on a legacy offering?

The cost of migrating to a current plan may vary depending on the rate of the plan you have today, the plan you choose to move to, and your specific requirements. There are no one-time setup fees. Your initial upgrade charge will be a pro-rated fee representing the difference between the old and new plans. Your next renewal invoice will take the pricing of the new plan fully into account. However, you cannot remove monetary cost during a billing cycle (i.e. you're on an annual billing cycle, and you want to migrate to a cheaper plan with less users halfway through the billing cycle).

Is it possible to keep some features or settings from my legacy plan when I migrate if I'm only adding users?

When you migrate to a current plan, we will work with you to ensure a smooth transition. Some features and settings may differ between legacy and current plans, but most of the time it's a net-gain on features.

More questions?

We're here to assist you every step of the way to ensure a seamless transition to a current subscription plan that provides you with the best possible experience.