New User

This screen is activated when using the Add User button on the Users - List screen. Fill in the required fields, then click Save. It is virtually identical to the Edit screen on an existing user.


Choose the new user's login credentials.

  • User name
  • Password
  • Password (repeat)

Home Directory

You have two choices as the new user's home directory:

  • Create New Folder for Home - Choose this if you want to create a new private home directory for this new user now. You will then see the following fields appear.
    • Folder name - Type in the new folder name you are creating.
    • Parent folder - Choose the parent folder for the new folder. Defaults to / (site root).
  • Use Existing Folder for Home - Choose this if you want to assign an existing folder as this new user's home directory. You will then see the following field appear directly below.
    • Home folder - Choose the existing folder that you want as their home.

Additional Information

The following fields are all optional:

  • Email - While not a required field, it is a good idea to always put the user's direct email address here.* Otherwise, the user cannot receive email notifications, password reset messages, etc.
  • Real Name - Usually the person's full name.
  • Team - If this user will have a Team Manager, choose his Team here.
  • Comments - Can be used for just about anything.

*Warning: DO NOT use the same email address on more than one user. Every user should have a unique email address. Otherwise, password reset and expired passwords, etc. will not function properly.