Web App - Branding

Branding let's you control the theme of the Web App so that HTTPS web browser users will see a logo and colors that match your own company's desired look, as opposed to FTP Today's colors.

Logo & Text

  • Logo

    The logo that will be displayed on all pages of the Web App. It is centered above the login page. It is left justified atop the Web App after login. The current logo file name and a thumbnail image of the file is shown in the Logo field. The default logo is FTP Today's logo. Clicking the logo box will open your desktop file manager, where you can search for your own logo file to upload it. Valid logo file types are PNG, GIF, JPG (JPEG) or TIF (TIFF).

  • Logo Link

    If a user clicks on the logo while using the Web App, this is the URL where the user will be taken in a new browser window or tab. Typically, you would put your website address in this field, such as http://www.yourdomain.com.

  • Title

    The title will be displayed on all pages of the Web App. It is centered above the login page, under your logo. It is right justified atop the Web App after login. The title also becomes the HTML <title> tag for the web page, which usually displays on your browser tab. The default title is "Secure File Transfer".

  • Login page copy

    This will display on the login page below the login form. You can use this field for any text you want, including some HTML tags. This would be a good area to include a privacy message or disclaimer for all users to see before logging in.
    The allowed HTML tags are:


If you can't get the specified colors of your logo from your ad agency or marketing folks, you can use a program like Microsoft Paint to find the RGB values. Colors can be manually entered in the three fields below using Hex values like #ff0000 RGB values like rgb(255,0,0).

  • Main accent color

    This is the first color that we recommend that you change. Most people choose the primary color from your logo. This color is used for several elements of the Files screen and minor accents on the Login screen.

  • Title bar

    This color will be the background for the entire login screen as well as for the top logo/title bar after login. If your logo has a transparent background, you can choose any color you like. If your logo background color is not transparent (such as white), you should choose that same color. Text or icons that appear on this background will automatically be either black or white depending on the depth of the background color chosen. Default is White.

  • Menu bars

    This color is used for the background of both the horizontal and vertical menu bars. Text or icons that appear on this background will automatically be either black or white depending on the depth of the background color chosen. Default is Black.

Applying your Changes

Color changes can be previewed before you save them. When you change any or all of these settings, be sure to click Save to apply the changes or Cancel to revert the changes. Once you save them, your browser will refresh.